Images from an English country village

I have resurrected the website, which – to use current jargon – had been “furloughed”* for the last few years, to show some of the pictures and images of Kemerton taken during this extraordinary time.  Despite everything else that is happening (or maybe, more accurately, not happening) April’s almost constant sunshine and clear blue skies have shown the village, literally, in a different light that we will remember for years and for a number of reasons.

I hope the pictures reflect the mood. I have many more and this is not a finished product. They are just a selection of those that I have manged to take during the daily walks round the village. To view, click on the  link:

I hope to post a larger selection on the website soon. All the photos have been taken from the public roads and paths. I haven’t been able to take others perhaps because of  access, or sometimes, too many cars or other objects were in the way. I aim to pick some of these up in the future (when it is safe to knock on doors to ask permission).  I haven’t altered the images by removing bins, posts, overhead wires, etc as I didn’t want to airbrush out any fixtures and fittings of the village – but I have used softening and various colour effects to help create a more timeless, reflective mood.

* OK, I did initially hate hearing the word furlough – particularly used as a verb. When I was very young I remember American troops went on “furlough” when ours went on “leave”. However it is in my very ancient copy of the Oxford English Dictionary – and, apparently, taken from even more ancient Dutch. It does have a specific and, in this case, apt meaning.